Ирина Либова/Irina Libova 28-го октября будет день рождения Ирины Либовой. По этому поводу Еженедельник публиковал ее биографию.
Oct 28 will be the birthday of Irina Libova -- a beloved member of our club. Unfortunately, she died in December 1999...

Welcome to Black Alpinist Company server, a collection of mountaineering resources for the Russian communities of North America.

The Black Alpinist server is a home to the First Russian Alpine Club. The Club's mission is to preserve and exploit the traditions and spirit of Russian and ex-Soviet style mountain sports in America. We serve Russian communities since 1996, organizing several expeditions and trips every summer, plus multiple weekend events. Read our trip reports and photo galleries...

We also maintain the unofficial site of Mikhail Shcherbakov, a famous Russian songwriter.

This site is evolving. Eventually we are planning to put more stuff here, including linklists, personal pages and an online store.

All the resources above are in Russian language. If you wanted to learn more about us but don't know Russian - sorry, tough luck. We just don't have enough time to translate everything into English. Maybe, later...

© Black Alpinist Co. and First Russian Alpine Club.
Hosted by Video Collage, Inc.
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